Friday, February 3, 2012

Peanut Butter Rice Krispies

Every time Lucas and drop Mike off at the airport we go out for breakfast at McDonald's.  This morning was different than most.  We stumbled upon a group of seniors getting ready for a game of Bingo.  I have a soft spot in my heart for Bingo players and couldn't resist stopping to talk to them.  One lady in particular reminded me of my Grandma Pauline.  She had beautiful white hair and a sweet disposition.  She also said something that sounded a lot like my grandma.  She said, "I've always heard that these are supposed to be our golden years, and although I do have a lot of fun, they aren't all their cracked up to be".  I can just hear my grandma say something like that.  Never complaining but not sugar coating the truth either.   Getting old isn't all it's cracked up to be like one of the other ladies said, "even the most expensive gold eventually tarnishes".

On our way home I couldn't help but reminisce about my Grandma.  The first thing I thought was, "If she saw me this morning she would've asked/told me to comb my hair.  There is no excuse but I did get out of bed at 6:15am and leave the house at 6:30am.  With getting Lucas up and making Mike breakfast there was no time to comb my hair.  My grandma would've been horrified.  Maybe I should carry a comb in my purse.  Hmmmm.....  Anyway, it made me miss my grandma Pauline so I knew it was time to pull out the recipe box.  It has been awhile since I've posted because we've been on the South Beach Diet, enough said.  After a month on the diet I am ready for a break.  This recipe came up the other day because my sister April made them and called me to ask about the ingredients.  

Mix 1 cup of sugar with 1 cup of light corn syrup in a saucepan over medium heat.

Heat until it begins to bubble and not a minute more.  

Add 1 cup of chunky peanut butter and mix until it's melted with the sugar mixture.

Add the peanut butter mixture to 6 cups of Rice Krispies.

Press the rice krispies into a 9x13 pan and top with semi-sweet chocolate chips (I used mini hoping they would melt better).  If the chips don't melt (like mine didn't) put the pan in an oven heated to 350 degrees for a few minutes.  Once they are melted you can smooth out the chips with a spatula.

You need to let them cool awhile before cutting into them so that the chocolate can harden.  If you are in a hurry you could always put them in the fridge for a little bit.

When you do finally get around to eating them make sure you have a lot of napkins handy!!

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